
consumer class action lawsuit
No matter how severe or minor, car accidents are no fun. If you are involved in a car accident, regardless of whether or not you are at fault, follow the steps below to minimize your risk and facilitate the best possible outcome. Assess the Situation Is anyone hurt, and does anyone need medical attention? If...
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Texting while driving is one of the worst distracted driving issues, and Florida is second in leading the nation in distracted driving citations. Just four years ago, Florida saw 50,000 accidents because of distracted driving. Therefore, in late 2019, Florida passed a new law, making texting and driving a primary offense.  The New Law and...
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U.S. District Judge Michael H. Simon certified a class of consumers of Ruby Receptionists for improper billing practices. The claim in the suit states that Ruby Receptionists failed to disclose to its clients that in billing they round up when they calculate their time or that they charge their clients if the receptionists for time...
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This past Friday, U.S. District Judge Michael H. Simon certified a class of law offices accusing a virtual receptionist service of misleading billing practices. Ruby Receptionists Inc. provides telephone answering and messaging services to small businesses. The claim in the suit states that Ruby Receptionists failed to disclose to its clients that in billing they...
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Dozens of articles are circulating the internet about popular cruise lines continuing to operate despite warnings about the coronavirus. Carnival Cruise Line in Hot Water One particular cruise line, Carnival Cruise, is being slammed by the media about allegations that the captain and crew were aware of a COVID-19 positive passenger, yet, they continued to...
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We receive a number of inquiries from Range Rover owners from across the country who have experienced their range rover evoque front bumper cracked.  These individuals have not been in accidents or experienced any damage to their vehicles.  Cracked bumpers in the Range Rover from no impact has been an ongoing issue since 2015.   The...
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Are you an attorney or law firm seeking co-counsel for your personal injury case or looking for a firm to refer your client to? Baron and Herskowitz has the reputation, resources, and experience you are looking for. Baron & Herskowitz is a law firm that focuses on representing people who have suffered wrongful injury, death,...
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We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy during this unprecedented time. As we all find ourselves navigating uncharted territory, we want you to know our lawyers and staff remain available to you as usual, albeit remotely. In the interest of public health and safety, and for the protection of...
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Lawsuits against one of Portland’s best-known young companies allege that Ruby Receptionists overcharged 18,000 clients by more than $30 million. Parallel cases filed in federal and state courts seek class-action status, alleging the Portland-based answering service didn’t properly disclose how it charges for time its operators spend talking with clients. And the suits allege Ruby...
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How many times have you checked out of a hotel and been slammed with resort fees? When you made your reservation were you advised you were being charged these fees?  According to a survey by Consumer Reports, the majority of people are not made aware of these fees until they are checking out.  Resort, amenities,...
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