
Bicycle Accident
The holidays can feel like a crazy time rushing around to get things done before getting together with family and friends. It’s also a high time for car accidents. There are a few reasons for this. Weather Conditions Colder weather and ice create more dangerous road conditions. Even high winds and low visibility can make...
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It’s anyone’s guess what the new “normal” will look like when things calm down, and life resumes at its usual pace. One thing is for sure, though, transportation will pick up where it left off, and with the focus on sanitizing and social distancing, the potential for transportation negligence and accidents skyrockets. Why Life Back...
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Are you an attorney or law firm seeking co-counsel for your personal injury case or looking for a firm to refer your client to? Baron and Herskowitz has the reputation, resources, and experience you are looking for. Baron & Herskowitz is a law firm that focuses on representing people who have suffered wrongful injury, death,...
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We hope this message finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy during this unprecedented time. As we all find ourselves navigating uncharted territory, we want you to know our lawyers and staff remain available to you as usual, albeit remotely. In the interest of public health and safety, and for the protection of...
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An article earlier this year in the Miami Herald outlined just how dangerous it is for pedestrians in Florida. Per the article, “nine of the 20 deadliest U.S. cities for pedestrians are in Florida, with Orlando ranked as least safe and the Miami-Fort Lauderdale – West Palm Beach metropolis ranked No. 14 in the 2019...
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Sad news. A bicyclist was killed after being struck by a vehicle in the Naranja area of Miami. The name of the deceased has not been released nor has the driver. The driver apparently hit the cyclist as they were crossing US-1/ S Dixie Hwy near southwest 260th street in Naranja which is a high...
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In recent years, Florida has consistently ranked as the most dangerous state in the country for pedalcyclists. Pedalcyclists primarily consist of bicyclists, but individuals riding other types of non-motorized cycles, such as unicyclists or tricyclists, are included in this category as well. 2016 statistics released by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveal just...
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A construction worker on the job falls off of a ladder, landing on his back and injuring his spine. A high school student riding a bicycle gets hit by a drunk driver and thrown onto the road. An infant suffers irreversible brain damage at birth because of a medical provider’s mistake. While no one wants...
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According to the results of a recent study, eight of the most dangerous metropolitan communities for pedestrians in the U.S. are located in Florida. Smart Growth America is an organization based in Washington, D.C. that focuses on promoting walkable cities. Last week, the group released a report called Smart Growth America’s Pedestrian Danger Index, which...
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As bicycle safety advocates, we are constantly telling people to wear helmets and other protective gear when riding on the busy streets of Miami — but, although a bicycle helmet may protect you against major head trauma if you are hit by a car, it won’t protect you from getting hit by a car. Our...
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